Toddcast Radio

Broadcasting 24/7 Across The Internet.

Quote – ‘One of my fun sites’

From The Quotation Page's Quote of the Day for the last week.  Ponder and enjoy them. Cecil Baxter. "You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty." John A. Wheeler. "If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a...

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What is a planet?

Old news, but I've been following the debate. In astronomy circles, the discussion about what can and can not be called a planet has flared up again with the discovery of Sedna last fall. Pluto, discovered in 1930, has always been an oddity. When it was discovered, it...

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Online play

When I was a young'un teaching myself the game of chess, I remember coming across a chess dictionary that mentioned something called postal or correspondence chess.  (Trivia:  the first postal chess match was played in 1824.)  What struck me about postal chess was...

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A hundred-dozen cookies

My computer is infested.  No, not with viruses or worms.  And I'm not talking about the adware that I have to regularly scrape off my hard drive like barnacles from a ship.  The more I dig around my computer recording settings I want to keep beyond my planned system...

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Hello world!

And welcome to my new webspace.  In the late '90's, a personal webpage was a fun background, a few graphics, and your favorite links.  You got to dress up a little corner of the web.  For me, the hobby grew to include resumes, galleries of art, and categorized link...

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